Chiropractic Doctor in Beautiful Colorado Colorado Springs

Chiropractic Doctor in Beautiful Colorado

Full Time • Colorado Springs
Thrive Health Systems is looking for Chiropractors for what we call Lead Doctors. We are looking for Lead-ers, doctors who can gain excellent health care results for patients while being able to develop a practice utilizing approximately 20 hours a week of treatment time and 20 hours a week of administration. 

Lead Doctors develop their “own” practice within a clinic, alongside other doctors. 

Typical Lead Doctors are 2-4 years out of school, ready to develop their “own” practice and be the lead, rather than the associate. 

To be successful at this, they typically have to have 

  • Experience developing and delivering on health care plans
  • Patient goal management and accomplishment skills
  • Diagnosis skills
  • Treatment skills, ideally beyond the Chiropractic adjustment
  • A full health care philosophy that can meet the market and speak to the 80% of chronic illnesses, not simply back pain, that Americans’ suffer from
  • Google Suite computer skills
  • EHR skills
  • Notes and Charges skills
  • Spreadsheet skills
  • High social skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Communication skills
  • Sales ability, if not skills
Why work with us? 

Our company has proven its ability to develop multi-million dollar practices when we find competent doctors and business people, and we believe we are the highest paying company in the US, while serving 1000s of patients, helping them achieve their health care goals. We have the case studies to prove it. We manage what we measure, and we measure a lot. 

We have a unique practice model that offers doctors the ability to practice their art, within a flexible business model that still has the structure necessary to gain results. We would definitely fall into the “mixer” category rather than “straight” chiropractic; however, we perform 1000s of adjustments a week. 

We have 4 levels of doctoring at our company. The Lead Doctor role at our company can make up to $150,000 before qualifying for promotion and then having the potential to make $500,000+. 

Here is a short list of the tools you have to work with: 

  • Omni drop Tables
  • Arthrostim
  • Lumbar and Cervical Spinal Decompression
  • Functional Medicine
  • Class IV Laser Therapy
  • Blood, stool, and hair labs
  • Digital X-ray
  • ChiroTouch Practice Software
  • Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP) Analysis Software
  • Flexion Distraction Tables
  • Traction
  • Functional Movement Systems
  • Massage Therapy
  • Atlas Orthogonal
  • Graston Tools

You might be wondering how you can make this dream come true? We’ve already proven our ability to utilize these tools to create amazing health care results. We have the systems and know-how. The question is whether you can deliver your part. 

We have corporate executives to support you and systems galore, and marketing to boot, but you have to do your part. 

  • Your part looks like having the knowledge to lead patients from pain and sickness to health. Can you do that? Can you manage cases and obtain measurable, accountable health care results? 

  • You also have to be able to communicate, and even sell. Can you do that? 

  • You have to care and you’ll likely have to be a leader. Are you about that? 

  • When given the opportunity to communicate to the public, can you convert people into patients? If you were on the radio, would anyone listen? If you went on TV could you get someone to call? 

  • Can you help patients understand their condition, motivate action, and help patients piece together the finance to get the care they want and need? 

  • Do you have integrity, do what you say, care about your name in the community? Do you put service to others before yourself and strive for excellence in all you do?

This is what it takes to be a Lead Doctor. It’s kind of a high bar; and a lot of your peers graduating alongside you will not have the character, capability or grit to do it. We ask for a lot, because it is a heck of an opportunity, and your patients deserve you being a leader. 

If you think you can hurdle this bar, give us a call. 

I know, I know; it sounds too good to be true. I’ve even had doctors say, “It’s like you made my dream a reality.” Well, that’s exactly what we did. After 13 years in business, we think we have a pretty good idea about what Chiropractors wish for in a job. And then we built that. 

If you think you can achieve the things mentioned above, give us a call at 719.238.5246. 
Compensation: $60,000.00 - $180,000.00 per year

(if you already have a resume on Indeed)

Or apply here.

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