Chula League

Aceptar Currículums para Futuras Vacantes:

Weekend Crew Member Surveyor




Independent Contractor

The 18th Annual Cherrywood Art Fair, to be held on December 7 & 8, 2019 from 10am-2pm and 1pm-5pm, is looking for an experienced event assistant and surveyor to work weekend shifts at Maplewood Elementary.

Responsibilities include:

  • Engage attendees and encourage them to take written survey.
  • Must have a kind, warm, outgoing personality & be able to succinctly explain purpose of survey to guests.
  • Ask guests a series of questions (from the survey) and record answers on materials provided.
  • Offer guests written or electronic versions of survey if they desire to answer privately.
  • Keep track of all surveys and turn over to producer at end of shift.

Position Requirements:

  • Excellent verbal and customer service skills
  • Interest in and knowledge of Cherrywood Art Fair
  • Team-player with a good sense of humor and positive attitude are major assets

Página Web de la Compañía:

(si ya tienes un currículum en Indeed)

O aplicar aquí.

* campos requeridos
